Electrodeless Discharge Lamp Sys. 2 - Se
商家询价 上海希言科学仪器有限公司
单元素标准品,10 g/mL 铟,100 mL
HDPE Bottle 1L 1升的内标瓶
商家询价 北京中科三环仪器有限责任公司
Agilent HC-C8 柱,4.6 × 250 mm, 5 m
全套 Mark 7 雾化室组件,适用于火焰原子吸收,可用于水相/酸性样品
Aluminum Pans 50 μL Pkg. 400
ICP-MS Chiller Coolant Mix
Rear Air Filter Pump Side
商家询价 北京凤翔科技有限公司
On-line Internal Standards addition kit allows the on-line mixing of an internal standard solution using the third channel of the X Series 2 peristaltic pump to improve productivity.